If you’re not ready, you need to know about “birth control”.

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If you’re not ready, you need to know about “birth control“.

When we plan our family and have our first child when we are ready and at the right age, it is a way to prevent pregnancy at a time when we do not want to have children, in order to suit our economic, social and health status by using various types of birth control methods that are appropriate for our body.

4 Benefits of Family Planning

  • You can have children at any time you want.
  • Limit the number of children appropriate distance apart so. That they do not become a burden on the family in raising them and can still closely care for.
  • Limit the number of children to suit each family’s financial status.
  • Reduce risk factors during pregnancy in cases. Where the mother has a chronic disease or is contraindicated during pregnancy.

Birth control is divide into two main types.

1. Permanent contraception is a method of birth control. That is use when one does not want to have children permanently, such as male sterilization and female sterilization.

2. Temporary or Reversible contraception is a method use to prevent pregnancy. When you are not ready to have children or want to stop having children. When you stop, you can still have children. There are many methods of this type of contraception, including:

  • Condom use: According to the data, condoms, โปรโมชั่น ufabet if used correctly, can effectively prevent pregnancy. Statistics show that after use, the pregnancy rate is only 2-15 percent. It is also a method of preventing sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Safe period calculation This method involves having sex only during the least likely time to get pregnant, which is about 7 days after the first day of your period and 7 days before your next period. This method has a higher chance of getting pregnant in women who have irregular periods.
  • Use of birth control pills. Use pills consists of 2 groups of hormones in the pills. It may cause side effects in some users, especially in the first period of use (1-3 months). Symptoms that appear include headache, rash, acne, freckles, weight gain, nausea, spotting. The size and type of hormones used in each brand of pills are different. Therefore, there may be slightly different side effects.
  • injections hormone injections given every 1-3 months, depending on the type of medication. This method can have similar side effects to taking pills.
  • implants are implants containing 1-6 small hormones, depending on the type of medication, under the skin. They can use for 3-5 years and have side effects similar to injections and pills. This method of prevention affects patients with underlying medical conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, being overweight, heart disease, chronic headaches, and blood clots. They should consult a doctor to choose the most appropriate method of birth control.

Birth control is a personal matter. You should choose a method that suits your lifestyle and needs. If you have any questions or need more information, you can consult a doctor so that birth control can perfectly meet your family planning needs.